Bus routes 🚌
A transport company records their bus routes in a table where each row represents a leg of a journey, but they want to know the full route for each bus.
Compute the full route for each bus.
Use the following stops as the first stop for each bus:
Old Street
forbus_id = 1
forbus_id = 2
Birch Park
forbus_id = 3
The output should have a single row per bus with the columns:
which is each bus stop in the route separated by a hyphen, e.g.First Stop - Middle Stop - Final Stop
Order the output by bus_id
Expand for the DDL
create table bus_stops (
bus_id int,
from_stop varchar,
to_stop varchar,
primary key (bus_id, from_stop)
insert into bus_stops
(1, 'Bakers March', 'West Quay Stop'),
(3, 'Birch Park', 'Farfair'),
(1, 'Cavendish Road', 'Bakers March'),
(3, 'Cavendish Road', 'Birch Park'),
(1, 'Crown Street', 'Leather Lane'),
(3, 'Farfair', 'Golden Lane'),
(2, 'Fellows Road', 'Riverside'),
(2, 'Furlong Reach', 'Hillside'),
(3, 'Golden Lane', 'Goose Green'),
(1, 'Goose Green', 'Crown Street'),
(3, 'Goose Green', 'Sailors Rest'),
(2, 'Hillside', 'Fellows Road'),
(2, 'Laddersmith', 'Furlong Reach'),
(1, 'Leather Lane', 'Old Street'),
(1, 'Old Street', 'Cavendish Road'),
(2, 'Riverside', 'Laddersmith'),
(3, 'Sailors Rest', 'Cavendish Road'),
(1, 'West Quay Stop', 'Goose Green')
The solution can be found at:
Sample input
Compute the full route for each bus, using the following stops as the first stop for each bus:
Stop A
forbus_id = 1
First Stop
forbus_id = 2
bus_id | from_stop | to_stop |
1 | Stop A | Stop B |
1 | Stop B | Stop C |
1 | Stop C | Stop A |
2 | First Street | Second Street |
2 | Second Street | Third Street |
2 | Third Street | First Street |
with bus_stops(bus_id, from_stop, to_stop) as (
(1, 'Stop A', 'Stop B'),
(1, 'Stop B', 'Stop C'),
(1, 'Stop C', 'Stop A'),
(2, 'First Street', 'Second Street'),
(2, 'Second Street', 'Third Street'),
(2, 'Third Street', 'First Street')
Sample output
bus_id | route |
1 | Stop A - Stop B - Stop C |
2 | First Street - Second Street - Third Street |
solution(bus_id, route) as (
(1, 'Stop A - Stop B - Stop C'),
(2, 'First Street - Second Street - Third Street');
Hint 1
Use a recursive CTE to put the bus stops in order for each bus.
Hint 2
These routes are cyclical, so include a condition to stop the recursion when you reach the first stop for each bus again.