Fibonacci sequence 🔢
Result Set
Regardless of the database, the result set should look like:
n | f_n |
1 | 1 |
2 | 1 |
3 | 2 |
4 | 3 |
5 | 5 |
6 | 8 |
7 | 13 |
8 | 21 |
9 | 34 |
10 | 55 |
11 | 89 |
12 | 144 |
13 | 233 |
14 | 377 |
15 | 610 |
16 | 987 |
17 | 1597 |
18 | 2584 |
19 | 4181 |
20 | 6765 |
21 | 10946 |
22 | 17711 |
23 | 28657 |
24 | 46368 |
25 | 75025 |
26 | 121393 |
27 | 196418 |
28 | 317811 |
29 | 514229 |
30 | 832040 |
31 | 1346269 |
32 | 2178309 |
33 | 3524578 |
34 | 5702887 |
35 | 9227465 |
36 | 14930352 |
37 | 24157817 |
38 | 39088169 |
39 | 63245986 |
40 | 102334155 |
41 | 165580141 |
42 | 267914296 |
43 | 433494437 |
44 | 701408733 |
45 | 1134903170 |
Expand for the DDL
solution(n, f_n) as (
(1, 1),
(2, 1),
(3, 2),
(4, 3),
(5, 5),
(6, 8),
(7, 13),
(8, 21),
(9, 34),
(10, 55),
(11, 89),
(12, 144),
(13, 233),
(14, 377),
(15, 610),
(16, 987),
(17, 1597),
(18, 2584),
(19, 4181),
(20, 6765),
(21, 10946),
(22, 17711),
(23, 28657),
(24, 46368),
(25, 75025),
(26, 121393),
(27, 196418),
(28, 317811),
(29, 514229),
(30, 832040),
(31, 1346269),
(32, 2178309),
(33, 3524578),
(34, 5702887),
(35, 9227465),
(36, 14930352),
(37, 24157817),
(38, 39088169),
(39, 63245986),
(40, 102334155),
(41, 165580141),
(42, 267914296),
(43, 433494437),
(44, 701408733),
(45, 1134903170)
Some SQL solutions per database are provided below.
DuckDB, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Snowflake
with recursive fibonacci(n, f_n, f_m) as (
select 1, 1, 0
union all
n + 1,
f_n + f_m,
from fibonacci
where n < 45
select n, f_n
from fibonacci
order by n
SQL Server
with fibonacci(n, f_n, f_m) as (
select 1, 1, 0
union all
n + 1,
f_n + f_m,
from fibonacci
where n < 45
select n, f_n
from fibonacci
order by n